
being connected to boundless help


a revolutionary market network 
for post-high school planning


provides a fresh perspective
for everyone involved 

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Designed for Students

Designed primarily for use by students and their parents, KnowledgeTrack offers numerous additional features and advantages to others who are — or would like to be — involved in helping students find viable paths to success.


Each Situation
is Unique

Because one-size-fits-all approaches just don’t work, KnowledgeTrack delivers sessions specifically tailored to each student’s circumstances, skills, and ambitions. The lack of clutter lets users focus on the most useful material.

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Unbiased  &

Because it’s their life to live, KnowledgeTrack guides students as they explore all paths of interest rather than steering them toward a company’s or school’s concealed objective.

Our approach is also nonjudgmental. Students are never belittled for asking questions about the interests they wish to explore.


Meaningful Connections

KnowledgeTrack helps students take meaningful action on the real world insights shared by hundreds of experts from every corner of business, academics, and service.

We encourage students to connect with counselors, teachers, coaches, mentors, and business professionals  — and we make that easy to do.

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is Paramount

With whom a student decides to share information is entirely up to them. Each user controls who can see any personal information — always.

KnowledgeTrack never sells user lists or compromises a user’s privacy.


Free to Use

Students and parents have enough to worry about already. We want to reduce their anxiety and having to pay for this incredible service would only add to it.

Using KnowledgeTrack costs users nothing — zip, zero, nada. That no cost policy also includes high school counselors, teachers, coaches, and others who contribute to a student’s success.

No kidding!



While we’re building The KnowledgeTrack Network
we’d love to hear your questoins and suggestions.